Well, I thought about more than one resolution, as I always make plenty. First I thought about how I plan to incorporate small, easy habits into my life that will improve my health and quality of life (such as drinking lemon water, drinking green tea, chewing my food thoroughly, etc.) Then I recalled how I want to find a career path, and explore it, and succeed with it. I am open to the career, but I want it to be a good fit, and so I have had my feelers out about that lately, and it is a goal for this year. Then I visualized...
an egg.
And now I am obsessed. Eggs are the new anchors. Eggs are so rich with meaning and interpretation: new beginnings, fragile/strong, potential, life, nest, nurture, creation, earth. The metaphors go on and on.
And eggs always remind of something the sailor once said, "Unfulfilled Potential." There is life inside an egg, protected by a stroung shell. but it must be nurtured, protected from stronger than shell forces, kept at just the right tempurature for that life to emerge, else it is just unfulfilled potential.
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