Thursday, March 08, 2007

Pop Radio People

Sometimes there are certain people in your life that get stuck in your head, like a bad song you hear on the radio, a song you really don't like, but you can't get it out of your head, and yet you can only remmeber a line or two.

Yes, there are people like that in the world. Sometimes there are people that you run into at the grocery store. Maybe they go through the line in front of you. Maybe they are standing in the doorway as you approach.

You have to guard yourself from these people. Put your head down. Pretend you are talking on your mobile phone. Go to a different line or a different door. But sometimes you just don't realize what kind of person they are until it's too late.

Just like the songs... Sometimes you actually enjoy that tune, that funny lyric, the sound of the singer's voice and give it a listen. Sometime you meet the person, talk, or laugh. And only later in the day, or maybe later in the week, or even months or years later, and you wake up with that song stuck in your head. Correction: That line, or that tune stuck in your head. Or you think about that person as you unwrap the stick of butter you bought that day, or when you drive by the grocery store.

And you wonder to yourself why this ghost keeps haunting you, why you give up precious real estate in your head for soemthing that makes you shiver. But you know deep down that the only way to get over it is to get some OTHER annoying song stuck in your head.

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